Monday, March 24, 2014

Through The Eyes Of Others

"Sometimes I think that if we could see the world through they eyes of another person for just one moment, and look out from inside his skull and have a chance to contrast his experience with our own, surely at that moment we would go mad."
- Psychotherapist Sheldon Kopp, in Even A Stone Can Be A Teacher

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Building Self Confidence In Children

"Children cannot build confidence by accomplishing only easy tasks.  They already know that anyone can accomplish these tasks.  It is when children accept the risk of struggle, and they find they can accomplish that which they didn't think was possible, that they begin to build self-confidence.  It is from actual achievement that one develops a strong self-concept." - Dr. Sylvia Rimm in Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades. (New York: Three Rivers Press)

Visit our child development and life issues area for information on helping your family.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Four-Year-Old in Carjacked Car

Wednesday morning during the Denver rush-hour, a mother got a surprise when she stopped for coffee at her local Longmont corner store.  While she was inside, a carjacker jumped into her red SUV and took off; with her 4-year-old-son still strapped in the back seat.

The suspect then led police on an hour long chase. The carjacker was driving at high speeds, passing traffic recklessly, sometimes in the wrong lane facing oncoming traffic. Happily for the little boy, the thief ditched the red SUV with little Allan Chavarria-Rodriguez safe inside. The man then carjacked two additional vehicles and led the police across the city and ending near the town of Parker before crashing the last vehicle and fleeing on foot. He was caught and arrested.

This was a very scary morning for a little boy still in his pajamas on his way to day care.  Likely, since he is so young, the experience will do no lasting damage to him.  But there is an important lesson here.  Do not leave your kids alone in the car for any reason.  It is just not safe.

Visit our website to learn safety tips for keeping your child safe.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Drug Related Car Crashes

A new study found that whereas alcohol related driving deaths have kept steady over recent years (with alcohol causing around 40% of all motor vehicle deaths), fatal accidents involving drug use have been on the rise.  The number of fatal crashes related to marijuana use tripled in the last decade, and road deaths involving drug users in general rose from 16% to 28%.

Driving impaired is driving impaired, whether that impairment is caused by alcohol, drugs, marijuana, or prescription pills.  It's a message that teens especially need, (even more so after recent legalization of the drug in some States), since there is a popular myth that smoking pot will make one a better driver.

 Please visit to learn more on teen driving.